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Santa Cruz

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Cotati (CA) – Fremont (CA) – 375Km

The main destination is BMW of Santa Cruz County. Those guys are the exclusive Wunderlich distributor in North America. There is supposed to be lots of goodies down there.
To get there I am going to have to go through San Francisco traffic as I want to catch Hwy 1 seaside road down to Santa Cruz. to my surprise, road signs are good, and traffic is a dream. Vancouver geniuses better come down here to get an example of right way to direct traffic. On 19th St who goes no less to the University, there was no waving in and out of traffic, and No left turn allowed anywhere. If you want to turn left you make three rights. In places, even right turns are not allowed. You go to love this. Traffic just moves, it was amazing. I have been complaining of how retard those left turns are in vancouver for a while now. San Francisco just show how it should be done.
Anyway the coast and small communities south of SF comes surprisingly fast, once out of town, the transition is real fast. It looks like this coastal area is protected big time from anarchist development. This is surfer country, nice little cliffs, and pelicans fishing heaven.
Santa Cruz , or what I saw of it, was not super impressive. Plus once I got there, I asked for directions, and realize that the BMW dealer was actually a few miles further south in Whatsonville.
I got myself a couple of goodies, which will be installed in a couple of days when I get back to the Santa Rosa dealer. Safety Safety. I got a light bulb replaced while in Santa Cruz.
Then it was time to head over to Fremont, where an ex-coworker was expecting me for the night. I decided to go over Hwy9, which I must say is another biker paradise. many bikes are on that road which takes you over a mountain range back near San Jose. If you are in the area, this is a must do road.

Pigeon point lighthouse.

Pelicans feeding themselves, what a site.

To go or not to go?

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