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Cedar Grove to Ridgecrest

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Cedar Grove (CA) – Ridgecrest (CA) – 392 Km

The camping night went well, even though I woke up several times. There was no bears visiting the campground, but I heard a rangers this morning talking about a couple hanging around the area of cedar grove.
How well, the ride up the canyon is even more fun than the ride down of yesterday. Then I went back to visalia to get around the Sierras by the south side. The countryside around visalia this time is dedicated to citrus production. Really impressive. In places I could feel that I was back in Mexico, as there was no trace of the english language. I spent most of the day in pretty dry country except for the Lake Isabella area. The Road across the mountain range was really peaceful and full of fun twists. Traffic and cops reappeared on the way to Walker pass. Little did I know that Ridegecrest is a military town. A harley rider gave me a few directions and advices which made my stay very easy. Tomorrow is the big day. Up early and off to cross the Death Valley.

First campsite morning.

The unique gas pump in Kings Canyon NP.

Back in the valley, and in more than warm temperatures.

Like in Baja, pretty cool.

The smell is …. you don’t want to know.

The ashphalt was melting on the east side of the Sierra mountains.

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