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Going around …

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South Rim Grand Canyon – North Rim Grand Canyon – 420Km

Sure enough even in camping I managed to miss the sunrise. The heat mist is there looking east, but I got a pretty good light for the west view. I took the free shuttle to about half way to hermit rest. The driver is showing the North rim lodge point. It is 6.5 km away by air, 25 Km or so by foot going up and down the canyon, and 250 Miles by the shortest road going around. I am smiling because that is what I am about to do. The ride around is amazing, and has what some would find some boring stretch of roads. But not for me, There is always something special about some cliffs or the Navajo mountain in the distance. The little colorado and the colorado river to cross. I pushed all the way to Lees ferry which is the starting point for all rafting trips down the river. There is simply no other access point. 3 days minimum I am told, to 10 days.
Once again I reached the north rim near sunset time, and I have to beg a park ranger to find me a tiny spot at the fully booked campground. There is very little facility on the North rim, so if you go there you should be ready. However the road around the north rim, to the couple of viewpoints is amazing and so much fun. I was a bit worry about some deers but in the end only turkeys were a hazard.

There is a river down there. And that river carved this crazy canyon.

The watchtower along the South Rim.

Navajo bridge.

Fishing the Colorado river..

Riding along a really long and straight mesa.

Sunset at the North Rim

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