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Good start – Bad ending

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Tropic (UT) – Moab (UT) – 530Km

Well well well, Hwy 12 in Utah. Boys and girls it starts at the red canyon, and all the way to the little town of Torrey, it is a festival. The flagstaff trio really recommended this road, and they were so right. This road got absolutely everything. Twisty to perfection, hills, plateau, even ridges. really really cool. Watch your gas and your are set.
Past this the Capitol reef national park awaits. This is one of my favorite. too bad that I was so loaded, and was too scared to go too far off road. But it seems that there are many many tracks to follow.
Today saw my fastest day on the road. I averaged 100 miles an hour on a section which was really open. I just wanted to gain time to reach Arches national park before dark. It turns out that the camping was completely full this time. And finding a place in Moab became quite stressing. What was with al this crowd really.
Anyway, after following a group of rider, I was set and quickly took off through the park to check out the sunset at the delicate arch. This was really nice, but the hike killed me. Note to self, loose more weight. Darkness came and I reached the balancing rock as the moon was just becoming more and more nice. Got to take that photo right? Well it was kind of a bad move because I think that lucks and bad karma struck me from this point forward. A friendly german tourist, was all excited with my bike and in the dark knocked over my tripod with the camera on it. Camera dead, means disaster for me.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day for sure. I am pretty far from a big town.

Grand staircase escalante.

Along Hwy 12.

Torrey old school.

Along Hwy24

Capitol Reef national park.

Capitol reef : canyon entrance.

Capitol reef : barn near the visitor center.

Capitol reef : Deers in an orchard.

Capitol reef : orchard.

Capitol reef : Images in stones.

Leaving the capitol reef NP.

Arches NP : Sunset at the delicate arch.

Arches NP : Moon at the balancing rock.