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The amazing day

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Ridgecrest (CA) – Las Vegas (NV) – 537Km

I am on the road at 6:30-am. The sun is just breaking through the horizon, and the first 50 miles are not that fun with it right in your face. Long straight away are probably going to be the norm today. I don’t know why but there is something mythical about the Death Valley, and most peoples I asked about it over the last few days, have warnings and advices and amazing stories. It is my own decisions to go for it. Passed the little industrial town of Trona, I realized that I was really alone. Not a single car for nearly 2 hours either way. And I stopped a few times for some photos of course. I made it to Furnace Creek by 10-am. The temperature was 34°C and the visitor center ranger told me that 43 was the target for the afternoon. I felt really hot by then, but the bike was OK, and I drank quite a bit. So I decided to push it and gain a day by going straight for Las Vegas.
After visiting Badwater and going over jubilee pass , the temperature finally dropped as I gained altitude again. However the wind picked up almost as soon as I crossed into Nevada. It was crazy and kind of scary on Hwy 160. After being spooked by a stupid trade van who lost a crate of beer in front of me, and after knocked a big roadwork pillar, I made it to Las Vegas around 3:00-pm. I hid in a Air-con motel for a little nap, before hitting vegas by night.
Crazy Town, I’ve got to escape tomorrow morning.

9:00 am, and this little guy looks pretty thirsty.

Lowest point on the continent, but not on the planet.

The salt deposits at the bottom of the death valley.

The Katrina effect … the highest gas price I saw during the trip.

Did I just cross a desert?

The Bellagio.

The bellagio water show.

Paris Las Vegas casino.

The Luxor Casino.