Today Slow Bob and Theo joined me to a quick rip up to Mount Baker. The crossing at Aldergrove at to be one of the smoothest so far. Theo took the lead and showed us a very fun road called the South pass to get there quickly from Linden.
Since it is a Monday traffic was light and the ride was near perfect. Once at the top the car park was less than a third full. No wind and no clouds. Just brilliant really.
This day ride brought back memories. Almost to the day 3 years ago I came to this exact location with my first bike. I just had my license a month earlier. This was also the very first time I had crossed the border and gone to the USA. I would have never imagined only a few months earlier that I would cross the border in that manner.
You da man!
Hope all is well with you bruno! Really nice photo’s.
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