Today the day started by a visit to the massive aquarium of ‘La Rochelle’. During the last 10 years the aquarium got a new building and location. It is even more popular today than ever before.
Nice fishy, but the highlight of the day was located 50 Km or so South in the Town of Rochefort. Once upon a time it was one of the main shipyard for the country. Sand and time has put the city a few miles from the Atlantic.
In 1997 a project was launch. It is called the Hermione. The Hermione was one of the ship who brought Lafayette to Boston and help the USA in the war of Independence.
So with today modern techniques and safety regulation a frigate as close as possible to the originla is being built. It will eventually sail to Boston accross the Atlantic. Sooner or later everybody in North America will hear about it.
To learn more about it click here.