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Eurotunnel crossing.

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Time to get back to France for a week in the Alps with my folks.
This is the crossing from the UK side. Being French I have to complain about things, but this was a bit silly …

Last week when I crossed with my passenger we had a dedicated waiting lane. Then were loaded first. They kept one car with three bikes inside. At the time I thought this was great and very similar of the BC Ferries system. Awesome crossing and safely out first on the other side.

Today on the British side no such thing. Bikes goes at the back. And up to the last last minute you seat in a traffic jam as of course drivers in front do not listen and you cannot be sure that everybody is going to fit. Absolutely retarded. Then we (3 bikes) had an argument with the staff on how to park the bikes safely. Turns out that there is no simple answer, as a head on crash of a train is likely to be more violent than with a ferry boat.

I think that the BC ferry system is brilliant and that the Eurotunnel organization could learn from it.

Finally when we arrived on the other side, not one but two cars were unable to start their engines adding to the frustration. Oh well, it beats the ferry crossing with time difference hands on.

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